We visited Tagporo Elementary School in October 2017 and this was our first visit to the school. Tagoro is one of the barangays meaning villages between Sulangan and Guiuan. We met with two teachers at the school, Ms Carina Aclon who teaches grade 3 and 4 and Ms Mary Joy Bagyoro who is volunteer teacher and is three years qualified, we were informed that Ms Bagoyoro attends school every week day from Monday to Friday and attends to admin tasks and also teaches classes if the teacher is absent. Ms Ackon informed us that this is a Muti grade teaching school which means two grades are taught by one teacher at the same time, which can be due to lack of teachers or classrooms. In this school the multi grade teaching was due to the lack of classrooms. Therefore one of their main needs was a classroom building in order to accommodate a class of students who are currently sharing with another grade.
Ms Acton and Ms Bagoyoro also told us that one main need of the school was access to the school. As the school is quite away from the road and the rest of the village it is surrounded by vegetation with access via a clay path only, which when it rains proves difficult for children teachers and staff to access as it becomes very muddy and inaccessible.
What is needed from us?
It is clear that the school are in need of an extra classroom to try and help with multi grade teaching and move towards a more mono-grade teaching style. In addition a suitable and durable path accessible in all weathers in order to provide easier access to the school.