On November 19 2015, we returned to Sulangan in the Philippines to continue our project… and we hit the ground running…
As soon as we arrive we finish rebuilding the walls and start cementing the exterior. Once this was done we then made a start on the roof…
…we then start to cement the interior of the building and the roof starts to take shape…

…once the walls are cemented we then begin to paint the exterior and the interior. At this point a few members of the community came to get involved and helped us to paint the school.
We are very grateful to them for helping with this project…

New windows are put in and a new door is made by a local carpenter. One of the key purposes of this school was to give back to the community as much as possible. The workers are all local and all the materials were sourced in the main town and in the village of Sulangan itself. Most of the locals who played an active role in the construction of the school had children or relatives who attend the school as pupils…